Jan. 30, 2022
God looks down at his Philedephian bride in the 21st century and says, "Behold, thou art all fair, my love". In the text, he describes in detail her beauty as attributed to her physicality. But wait, God doesn't relish our physical appearance to the least degree.
God is instead talking about the spiritual and moral attributes of His holy bride. This is where dry, dead theology manifests itself into a love relationship. This theological love fuels the desire to serve our Lord Jesus Christ with passion and with perfect holiness.
This sermon will show you plainly the symbolic anatomical attributes of the woman described in Chapter Four. Further, each of her comely parts is clearly interpreted by scripture as beautiful spiritual attributes ascribed unto us (if and only if) we live holy.
Austin Gatherings uses the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, and Pastor Mark Jones will be preaching today out of Song of Solomon 4:1-2